Tiande - a unique business opportunity for everyone looking to make extra income, or enhancing their own retirement plan.
A traditional form of business or and a Multilevel Marketing combined. There are three levels of involvement:
1. SMART BUYER - Significant savings on product purchases.
2. Small Business - Purchase at the list price and sell at catalogue price.
3. Large Business - become a Distribution Centre for your group of individual distributors and other representatives.
In addition, the company offer its own promotional campaigns for the distributors of its products.
Currently Tiande is represented in the UK via two Distribution Centres : Manchester and Birmingham with more to follow in London. There is over 200 individual distributors of the product with more joining every day.
Should you be interested in becoming a distributor or start this business in a new country, please register here, and someone will contact you to follow up.
Corrective Serum
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- reactivation of epidermis protective function
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