Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Ecological Revolution

The ecological revolution has arrived and is making a huge progress in the network marketing world by TianDe.

Initially four products are available, but TianDe Labolatory is working on many more. So what is so special in those products. Particularly that most traditional chemical , brands are boasting so much about their own products?

Having tested TianDe brand products for over two years now (from when they became available in Europe), we can honestly say that each and every product is doing what it say on the `tin`. The best way to describe them is simply `amazing`.

So having that experience with the brand of TianDe and its products, it is only natural that this line is going to be just the same. I wasn`t wrong.

Revolutionary washing technology Code:144301

Eco-friendly and economy washing system for colour linen. Through the absence of chemically aggressive substances, these Tourmaline Eco Spheres are completely harmless to the environment. 

The Turmaline washing system is superior not only to powdered detergents and liquid cleansing products, but also to fabric softeners. 

Eco Spheres will do an estimated 400 loads.

To achieve the best results, pre-soaking – and the use of washing programmes with increased water levels - is recommended. When washing heavily contaminated linen, an extra one fifth of the portion recommended by manufacturer may be added.

TianDe is committed to save the environment thus everyone who purchase these products is contributing toward the planting of one conifer tree in the Forest TianDe Charity Promo Event.

Tourmaline Washing Spheres can be used only for washes in a Domestic Automatic Washing Machine (of drum type). 
The item is not intended for whitening or the removal of stains. Eco Spheres do not guarantee whiteness effect if used to wash white items.

The ecological revolution by TianDe went further in to the dish washing area of our homes and created an amazing nut based washing up liquid. And we were under the impression that following our devotion to good old Fairy , there is and will not be anything better. Well. We were wrong! 

The Soap Nut Dish washing Liquid ,code 144303 is here to stay.

Natural and safe cleaning substance. Effectively removes any contamination of various origin, even in cold water. Composed of Saponin, a natural foaming agent contained in a Soap Nut shell. 
It gets completely decomposed in the environment without creating any alcaline reactions. 
Soap Nut is not only harmless to human health, but, on the contrary, has a distinct soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the hand skin.
Our tests of this product have brought very positive experiences. The key to its effectiveness is that one do not have to use and scourer or wire pads to help in removing fat, dried food etc. It is strong, but wonderfully soft and lasts much longer than Fairy. There is a saying: " never say Never", and this is the prove in the pudding. Sorry Fairy! You are removed from my home for now .

When we think of all the toxic ingredients going in to our every day use products, shivers are going down our spines. Seeing majority of people using well known brands that instead of saving us they are actually depriving us of health, it makes us wonder , what really drives the likes of top high street brands? The conclusion is rather horrific. It is, selling inferior product based on the value of its name, not on the quality of the product.Furthermore it is focused on the quantity in order to sell more for higher price and to fill the pockets of shareholders, who only look for high profits.

Whereas companies such as TianDe, are looking for quality, safety and well being of their consumers..

Author: Maria Kompanowski