Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Foot Care Using TianDe Products

How often do we come home following a long day at work or after an evening out feeling the complete discomfort and aching feet?
Nearly every person, particularly ladies complain of feet ache. Be it last thing at night or first thing in the morning , we hear people complaining about the condition of their feet. How to relieve this condition?

Let us introduce to you some products by TianDe, which will give you some options about how to care for your feet. Our salon was visited by a  person who has Sugar Diabetics, a health condition that has a huge impact on the state of feet. The lady is also working in a florist shop for more than twenty years, so we already had an idea about the true state of her feet and soles. The client told us that she had never had her feet treated by a chiropodist. The biggest issue she had, was that of cracked hills. She had deep cracks on both hills, which was giving her an additional discomfort. The skin was extremely rough.
We needed to clear her skin , take off the rough , dead skin to start with. First we have used the Body Salt Scrub , in this case Honey and Peach, code 30213, applying it to her hills and rest of the feet by gentle massage using circular movements, for about 3-5 minutes. The roughness of the skin was becoming less with each movement. Then the salt has been washed off with look warm water, dried. To complete the treatment we have applied a Snake Oil Foot Cream , code 41103 . This cream is acting as skin softener , removes chaps, softens toe cuticles, moisten and nourishes skin and more importantly stimulated the blood circulation.
The next day she was to apply more cream in the morning and return to us in the evening for a second treatment. We have suggested that due to the condition of her feet , she required two weeks intensive, daily treatment. On her return we have started the session with the application of Lemon Universal Peeling, code 30201, followed by Salt Scrub and the Foot Cream. The results were astounding in just that one day. Two weeks later clients feet looked like new. Her skin soft, no sign of cracked skin and the comfort that she had, " I have never felt so light before!!! It`s amazing!".

Subject to the condition of your feet, we have a number of fantastic products that will help you to feel light and happy on your feet. Let us mention them here.

For those who are going through a daily routine of gym , swimming pools exercise, where the is a constant risk of  contamination with fungus , we have antibacterial and anti fungal effect cream, code 41104, based on snake oil.Prevents small infections , eliminates itching, odour , removes irritation, perspiring , heal abrasions, wounds, as well as enhances blood circulation.

For a quick action treatment for the feet we have a selection of Foot Salts. Where all you need is just twenty minutes soaking in water with one sachet of the salt of your choice. 

Foot Phyto Salt with tea tree essence and green tea extract, code 41320, is an effective means against tired and heavy feet. It softens and nourishes foot skin, normalizes sweat secretion and has an antiseptic effect.

Foot Salt Bath with lavender essence, code 41321,  is an effective means against tired and heavy feet. It normalizes sweat secretion, softens coarse skin, clavus and corns, enables deep cleansing and softening of your skin and has a deodorizing effect. Very popular with people who work on construction sites, in catering and retail.

Salt Bath with angelica, Glycyrrhiza, Aloe, dandelion and witch hazel extracts , code 41322, is an effective means against tired and heavy feet. It has refreshing, antiseptic and relaxing effects. Ideal for those who work in safety shoes.

The next product available currently from the series is : Warming Jeely Foot Bath  Warming Jeely Foot Bath (against flu and colds), code 42302. It is a perfect healing and prophylactic product against flu and colds. It will pleasantly warm your feet and stimulate blood circulation. Protects against fungus, regulates perspiration, prevents odor. Makes skin soft and smooth.

Last but not least in the vast selection of products that TianDe has on offer is Peeling TianDe with snake skin and fat (deep cleansing, quick rejuvenation effect), code 41104. Effectively lightens skin, removes impurities from pores, peels keratinized cells of epidermis, activates cell functions, moistens, softens and smoothes skin relief.When you need it. This product is great for all types of skin. 

We always welcome comments from readers who have experienced our products, in order to verify that we are confident in our products and that these products really do what says on the "thin" . 

Maria Kompanowski

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